
Have you ever wondered why poker is the most-played card game in the world? Today, you’re going to find out. While the most popular variant is Texas Hold’em, there are many other exciting poker games which you can play online. Some of them offer life-changing prize pots, and there are lots of exciting poker tournaments with guaranteed prize money. You’ll be in a better position to play in these after you’ve read our total guide to poker.


Online Poker Variants

When you ask most people about poker, they’ll think of Texas Hold’em first. While it’s undoubtedly fun and action-packed, it’s not the only poker game in town. You can play any of the following poker games at most online casino companies and poker sites.

Texas Hold’em Poker

There’s a saying about Texas Hold’em poker which goes “It takes five minutes to learn, and a lifetime to master.” This game is played against other players, whereas some other poker games are played against the casino.

The objective of Texas Hold’em is to make the highest-ranking poker hand possible given the cards in your hand and the community cards on the table. Once five community cards have been dealt, all players still in the game show their hands, and whoever can make the best poker hand wins. If all other players fold before the showdown, you win automatically.

Omaha Poker

Omaha is known as the second most-played poker variant in the world, right after Texas Hold’em. It’s very similar to Texas Hold’em, but there are some key differences.

In Omaha Poker, you are dealt four cards, rather than two. You must use two of these to make a poker hand after the community cards have been dealt. Other than that, the two games are very similar. There are five community cards, multiple betting rounds, and remaining players enter a “showdown” after the river (final community card) is dealt. 

As in Texas Hold’em, it’s possible to “bluff” your way to victory by scaring other players, even if you don’t have a strong hand.

Casino Hold’em Poker

This variant is the first of the casino poker games you’ll learn about today. Unlike Texas Hold’em and Omaha, you play this game against the casino dealer rather than other players.

It’s played with a standard 52-card deck. You place an ante bet before the flop (first three cards) are dealt. At this stage, you can also make a side bet which is unique to Casino Hold’em. You and the dealer are both then given two hole cards, and you need to choose whether to call or fold.

If you fold, the game is over, whereas if you call, another round of betting follows and the two remaining face-down community cards are turned over. It’s then time to see who has the better hand – you or the dealer – according to standard poker hand rankings.

If you opted to make the side bet and win with a Royal Flush, you could win instant 100-1 payouts at the best online poker sites.

Caribbean Stud Poker

This is another casino poker game, which means your only opponent is the dealer. If you’ve ever played 5-Card Stud, you will already have the basics required to play Caribbean Stud Poker. It’s best to play this one in a live dealer casino for maximum enjoyment.

The game begins with each player at the table placing an ante bet. After this, each player is dealt five cards face down. The dealer then gives herself five cards with one facing up. It’s then time to decide if you want to place another bet or fold.

This is where it gets interesting. The dealer must have at least a King-Ace to “qualify,” meaning to be able to open/show her hand. If she can’t, you get your ante bet back paid at 1-1, and your additional bet is returned.

If the dealer can open her hand and you win, you’ll be paid 1-1 on the ante bet, and your additional bet will be paid according to the chart. This payout could be as much as 100-1 for a Royal Flush. The payout table can vary from casino to casino.

Of course, the dealer’s hand may be higher, in which case you lose both bets.

Pai Gow Poker

Most poker sites and online casinos offer Pai Gow. It’s another casino poker variant, and in fact, it was invented by a casino owner named Sam Torosian in the 1980s.

While the objective of most other poker games mentioned here is to make one high-ranking hand, in Pai Gow, you need to make two. You’ll attempt to make one five-card hand and one two-card hand. You need to beat both of the dealer’s hands to win. If you only win one hand, the game will be declared a push (draw). There are a lot of pushes in this game, which makes it lower-risk than the others.

Like most poker games, you’ll need to place a bet before any cards are dealt. Unlike other poker games, this is the only bet you’ll make. However, some casinos do offer a bonus bet on whether or not you will make a “Premium Hand.”

Once the initial bets have been placed, each player is dealt seven cards from a 53-card deck. Why 53 cards? Because there’s a Joker involved. From here, it’s your job to arrange your cards into two hands to make both as high-value as possible. Remember, you have to beat both of the dealer’s hands to win the game.

Online Tournaments

Online poker tournaments give you the opportunity to test your poker skills against other players from around the world. There are freeroll tournaments, and there are tournaments with minimum buy-ins which all contribute towards the pot.

There are some things you need to be aware of before playing in poker tournaments:

  • Tournaments are different from cash games. Chips do not have immediate monetary value in poker tournaments. Instead, they are to be traded between winners and losers until one player has all of the chips and wins the tournament.
  • There are often cash prizes for players finishing in the top 10% of the field of players. The top prizes are awarded to top-ranking positions, of course. If you’re playing in a real-world poker tournament, everyone who makes it to the “final table” will likely get paid something.
  • Every poker tournament is different. Things which differ include entry price, whether or not you can rebuy, betting limits, speed, and the type of poker game you will be playing. Make sure you understand these details and pick the right tournament for your level.
  • Poker tournaments are “high variance.” This means you could play in multiple tournaments and walk away with nothing, then make it to the final table and win a large amount. Therefore, you shouldn’t give up if you lose a few tournaments in a row. It’s better to think in terms of thousands of games than a few. Many pro poker players think of wins as a Return on Investment (ROI) over a longer period.
  • There could be hundreds or even thousands of players in one tournament. It may take a while to reach the final table. This is very different from the one-on-one instant gratification which casino poker games offer.

Poker Hand Rankings

Before you can win at poker, you need to understand the poker hand rankings. This table will help you memorize them. These are listed in order of strength.

Poker HandDescription
Royal FlushThis is the top poker hand. It’s a straight flush of the same suit from 10 to Ace. For example, you might have a 10, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace, all Spades.
Straight FlushThis is the second-best poker hand. It’s a straight run of consecutive cards, all of the same suit. For example, you might have a six, even eight, nine, and 10 of Hearts.
Four of a KindIf you end up with four of the same card and an odd one out, that’s four of a kind. For example, you might end up with four Aces.
Full HouseThe best way to describe a Full House is three of one, two of another. For example, you might have three Aces and two Queens.
FlushA Flush consists of five cards of the same suit. They do not have to be consecutive. For example, you might have a four, six, seven, nine, and an Ace, all of Hearts.
StraightThis is a series of consecutive cards which are not of the same suit. For example, you might have a four, five, six, seven, and eight, which are a mixture of Hearts, Clubs, and Spades.
Three of a KindThe name of this hand explains it. From five cards, you can make a combo of three which are the same. For example, you might have three Jacks.
Two PairAgain, this hand should be obvious from its name. You will have two pairs and one odd card. For example, you might have two Jacks and two Queens, plus one odd card.
PairFor this hand, you only have one pair and three odd cards. For example, you could have a pair of Jacks.
High CardWhen you can’t make any of the above poker combos, but you have a high card such as an Ace.

Useful Poker Tips & Tricks

It’s not advisable to dive right in and play real-money poker right away. If you’re a beginner, take the time to learn these poker tips and tricks and you will be better placed to win. You might not make the World Series of Poker, but you will stand a better chance of winning prize pots online.

  • Learn the Poker Hands – Sometimes called poker combos, you need to know which hands rank highest before you stand a chance of winning. If you’re playing online, you can have a poker cheat sheet or a poker calculator to reference until you have memorized them. The sooner you know them by heart, the better your chances of winning. Many beginners fold or don’t even realize they have a winning poker hand because of a lack of knowledge regarding poker hands.
  • Play Free Online Poker – Have you ever heard the expression “practice makes perfect”? It really does. Don’t play poker for real money until you have a firm understanding of the game. When you’re winning more free games than you’re losing, that’s a sign that you might be ready to graduate to real money poker tournaments. A good first step would be to enter a freeroll poker tournament with a guaranteed pot of a few thousand dollars.
  • Learn Poker Strategy – Poker is not purely a game of chance. It’s a skill-based card game with elements of psychology, calculation, and experience involved. Start by reading beginner’s poker strategies for your chosen games, and work your way towards the advanced ones as you gain experience. A good place to start is by learning poker odds. These are your mathematical chances of winning based on the cards in your hand and the community cards.
  • Play Casino Poker First – When you are ready to play poker for real money, start with one or more of the casino poker games mentioned here. Why? Dealers are often bound by rules which they have to play by when dealt certain hands. That makes these games a great way to get some one-on-one practice in before dealing with chaotic, multi-player games with all sorts of personalities involved. You’ll notice that playing for real money is different to playing for free – it changes everything and emotions run much higher. It’s also advisable to play a game provided by a world-class operator like Evolution Gaming.
  • Your Biggest Obstacle Is You – This is a tough one for many new poker players to accept. Poker is about strategy and odds, and if you let your emotions overpower you, you’re going to lose. There’s even a name for it  – going full tilt. Maybe that’s the best thing about the game – to become a poker master, you have to learn to master yourself. Decide on a predetermined amount you’re willing to lose, accept it when things aren’t going your way, and walk away when you have lost that amount.

Disclaimer: does not offer Texas Hold’em or Omaha poker games, although some casino poker games are available.